const int pinr1 = 13; // Receiving pin
const int pins1 = 4; // Transmitting preset 1
const int pins2 = 12; // Transmitting preset 2 (not used)
const int pins3 = 12; // Transmitting preset 3 (not used)
const int pins4 = 12; // Transmitting preset 4 (not used)
const int configpin = 5; // Reset Pin
// User settings are above here
const int ledpin = 0; // Built in LED defined for WEMOS people
You’ll also need to install a handful of libraries, which are all described in the Setup section of the README.
With those few modifications, you should be up-and-IR-controlling in no time!
Resources and Going Further
Need more information on the WiFi IR Blaster? Checkout our GitHub repository and the rest of these documents:
GitHub Product Repository – GitHub repository where you can find all of our latest hardware and software
design files.
Schematic – PDF schematic
Eagle Files – PCB design files
ESP-12S Datasheet – ESP8266 module w/ integrated crystal, antenna, flash
LTE-302 Datasheet – IR emitter
TSOP382 Datasheet – IR receiver
IRremoteESP8266 Arduino Library – ESP8266 IR Arduino library
ESP8266 IR Controller Firmware – Full-featured ESP8266 IR controller firmware
Want more information or inspiration? Check out the following links!
This tutorial explains how common infrared (IR)
communication works, as well as shows you how to set
up a simple IR transmitter and receiver with an
Build a Boss Alarm that alerts you of anyone walking
into your office and automatically changes your
computer screen.