TH-G Series Brushless Dc Motor Driver User’s Manual Version 3.3 Jan,2016
TH-G Series Brushless Dc Motor Driver User’s Manual Version 3.3 Jan,2016
* ***
Low voltage error
1. The controller will clear after 5 seconds if
battery volts return to normal.
2. Check battery volts & recharge if required.
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Over temperature warning
1. Controller case temperature is above 90*C.
Current will be limited. Reduce Controller
loading or switch off until controller cools
2.Clean or Improve heat sink or Fan.
** *
Motor did not start
Motor did not reach 25 electrical RPM within
2 Second of start-up. hall sensor or phase
wiring problem.
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Internal volts fault
1.Measure That B+ & PWR are correct when
measure to B- or RTN.
2. There may be excessive load on the +5V
Supply caused by too low a value of regen or
throttle potentiometers or incorrect wiring.
3.controller is damaged.
** ***
Over Temperature
The controller temperature has exceeded
100*C. the Controller will be Stopped bot Will
Restart when temperature falls below 80*C.
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Throttle error at power-up
Throttle signal is higher than the preset dead
Zone" at Power On. Fault clears when Throttle
is released.
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Frequent reset
May be caused by over-voltage, bad Motor
intermittent earthing problem, bad wiring, etc.
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Internal reset
May be caused by some transient fault
condition like a temporary over-current,
momentarily high or low battery voltage. This
can happen during normal operation.
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Hall throttle is open or
When the throttle is repaired, a restart will
clear the fault.
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Non-zero throttle on
direction change
Controller wont allow a direction change
unless the throttle or speed is at Zero. Fault
clears when throttle is Released.
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Regen or start-up over-
Motor Drive is disable if an over-voltage is
detected at start-up or during regen. The
voltage threshold detection level is set during