Whisper 500 Battery Charging Manual
Document #0023 Rev C
April 2006
Controller Operation
Whisper Controller Overview
The Whisper Controller provides all of the necessary functions and displays for safe and productive wind gen-
erator operation. It includes interface features for setting the regulation voltage, monitoring the state of the sys-
tem, and manually disabling battery charging. The Whisper Controller interface mechanisms include the LED
Display, the Diversion Switch, and the Voltage Regulation Potentiometer, PCB configuration switches and the
LCD display.
The Controller contains all of the Whisper Generators power electronics including rectification and load diver-
sion. Additionally, it continuously monitors voltage, current, energy production, and wind speed (optional).
These parameters are measured to ascertain system parameters (i.e. battery voltage) and turbine state (i.e.
whether power is being generated).
The LCD Display is an interface to the many operational parameters and system measurements of which the
Controller is capable. The display may be mounted at the Controller or in a remote location or (with two Dis-
plays) both places. From the Display, instant and easy access is gained to voltage, current, power, energy,
charge, peak power, and wind speed (with optional anemometer).
Diversion Switch
The diversion switch is located on the top of the controller to the left of the LEDs. Setting the switch to “OFF”
causes the power produced by the generator to be diverted the Diversion Load. The Diversion Load is located
with the controller enclosure for Whisper 100 and 200’s. Whisper 500’ s have an external Diversion Load.
The switch may not stop a rapidly spinning wind generator, however, once stopped setting the
switch to “OFF” will keep the generator from spinning in most winds.
Whisper Controller with
Wind Generator
Remote Display