Soleman User’s Guide
Select a list using the drop-down menu.
Click on the list name in the drop-down menu to edit the name. List names can be up to 32
characters in length.
To edit a scene in the list, click on it to highlight it, and then use the List Item Value control
to change its value.
To add a scene to the end of the list, use the List Item Value control to set the value, then
click the Add button.
To remove a scene from the list, click the scene to highlight it, then click the Remove button
to remove it.
To insert a scene before another scene in the list, click a scene to highlight it, use the List
Item Value control to set the value, then click the Insert button.
The Panels section allows the user to edit panels. Select a panel to edit from the drop-down menu.
Note that the footswitches subsection also corresponds to the selected panel.
Select a panel using the drop-down menu.
Click on the panel name in the drop-down menu to edit the name. Panel names can be up to
32 characters in length.
Enable Use Setup Macro to launch a macro when the panel is loaded.
If Use Footswitch 4 for Tap Tempo is enabled, footswitch 4 will be disabled in the footswitch
The footswitches section allows the footswitches for the selected panel to be configured.