Soleman User’s Guide
Macros are strings of MIDI messages that can consist of any type of MIDI message, including System
Exclusive (SysEx) messages and other non-standard MIDI message types. Macros allow users to
output custom MIDI data from the Soleman that greatly expands the flexibility of the Soleman for
use in different MIDI applications. The Soleman can store 127 macros, each of which can be up to 50
data bytes in length.
Typical MIDI messages consist of 1, 2, or 3 bytes. For example, a MIDI Clock message contains only
one byte. A Program Change message consists of 2 bytes. Note On, Note Off, and Continuous Control
messages consist of 3 bytes. In a macro, a variety of different message types can be strung together
in a sequence – any combination is necessary, as long as the total length of the Macro does not
exceed 50 bytes.
For example, it is possible to define a Macro that outputs a Note On Message on channel 3, a
Program Change message on channel 5, a Continuous Control Message on channel 12, and a SysEx
message. Then, that Macro could be assigned to, for example, Scene 5. So, any time Scene 5 is
activated in Scene Mode or List Mode, the MIDI Outputs would send all of those MIDI messages at
Macros can be used in Scenes, as Panel Setup Messages, or even as On or Off messages for an
individual footswitch in Panel Mode. A single Macro can be reused in several different places at the
same time. So, for example, a single Macro could be assigned to multiple Scenes or even multiple
Panels, all at the same time.
Macros consist of an ID number, a name, and data (a list of MIDI messages). The macro ID is a
number between 0 and 126 that defines the macro so that it can be assigned to scenes, panels, and
footswitches. The macro name is not displayed on the Soleman’s LCD, but can be useful when
organizing and managing macros using the
USB Editor Software
To create and edit Macros, a little bit of MIDI knowledge is necessary, but the power of Macros
makes it worth learning! For more information, refer to
MIDI Message Types
To create Macros and assign them to scenes, panels, and footswitches, use the
USB Editor Software
Expression Pedal
The ¼” TRS Expression Input accepts passive expression pedals with power on the ring contact and
expression on the tip contact. Expression pedals with a linear taper are preferred since the input
digital converter on the Soleman is linear. Expression pedals with an audio/logarithmic taper are not
recommended. A variety of potentiometer values are supported due to the Soleman’s
The following graphic shows the connections on the ¼” TRS cable that should be used to connect to
the expression pedal.