Soleman User’s Guide
Global Output MIDI Channel (default)
This sets the default output MIDI Channel to be used with all Scenes. In most cases, users will want
all scenes to use the same MIDI channel for all Program Changes and Continuous Controllers set up
using the Expression Pedal. This default MIDI channel is set with the Global Output MIDI Channel. In
Panel mode, the default Global Output MIDI Channel is used with the expression pedal settings. If
desired, the MIDI channel can be overridden on a per Scene or per Panel basis.
To modify the Global MIDI Channel, use the Previous and Next footswitches.
Favorite Scene
The Favorite Scene can be recalled in Scene Mode and List Mode by tapping the Favorite footswitch.
Any Scene (from 0 to 127) can be selected as the Favorite Scene.
To modify the Favorite Scene, use the Previous and Next footswitches.
Using Hub Names
The Soleman was designed to be compatible with the Source Audio Neuro Hub. The Hub is capable of
storing “scene” information that includes the complete configuration for up to five compatible pedals
connected to it. Up to 128 presets can be stored in the Hub’s memory, and these can be recalled by
sending the Hub a program change message. The Hub can store a name for each of the scenes in its
memory. When a scene is activated, the Hub can send out the name data back to the Soleman to be
displayed on the Soleman’s LCD screen.
To launch scenes from the Hub using the Soleman, use a MIDI cable to connect one of the Soleman’s
MIDI Outputs to the Hub’s MIDI Input. To display the names stored in the Hub on the Soleman’s LCD
screen, use a MIDI cable to connect the Hub’s MIDI Output to the Soleman’s MIDI Input. The
connection should look like this:
C h a n n e l
G l
o b a
l ) :
F a v o r
S c e n e