Soundcraft ViSi Remote User Guide V1.0
Page 5
Devices and Select Device view
The [Devices] button on ViSi Remote opens the Devices view panel, if any consoles were discovered on the network
they will appear in devices the list automatically; to ‘open’ any console shown in the devices list touch the console name
and the selected console control view is opened.
Other functions associated with the Devices and Select Device views are:
] button: opens the Select Device view and allows
adding an off-line console for use when a real console is
not connected.
buttons: allows consoles to be removed
from the devices list.
] button: refreshes the devices list of consoles.
: any consoles manually removed from the devices
list with the [Edit] button but are still discoverable on the
network will reappear automatically.
Online Offline
: Simple count of the number of devices
online or offline.
button: opens the About view.
Device Type
field: Opens the picker to select a new
console type.
HiQnet Address
field: Allows manual setting of the
console HiQnet address for off-line consoles.
: It is not possible to edit the HiQnet address of on-
line consoles from the ViSi Remote, this must be set on the
About view [
The ‘About’ view is opened with the [
] button on the devices view. It provides non editable information about the
current version of ViSi Remote.
Info view
With a console control view open the [Info] button may be accessed for viewing console specific information:
: Setting locate ON will flash some or all of the console
buttons or screens allowing a specific physical console to be
identified should multiple consoles be connected on the same
LAN. Depending on the console type and software version the
flashing locate function may auto-cancel after a few seconds or
remain on until set OFF.
Device Name
: The name of the device in the console control
IP Address
: IP address of the device in the console control
Subnet Mask
Subnet Mask of the device in the console control
HiQnet Address:
HiQnet node address of the device in the console control view.