- MIC Connection
1) Adjust volume after connecting MIC to the Paging MIC input on the front side.
2) Available MIC is same as for broadcasting using a Paging MIC.
- Recording standby
1) A “- record -” is displayed on the front display window if long press of the REC button
once, and On Recording Standby is displayed.
2) Press the REC button to cancel recording.
- Recording
1) Long press of this button one time to enter RECORD READY mode and you can see
“-RECORD- ”on the 7-segment displays.
2) Press this button will be cancelled recording mode, and back to display BGM
source channel.
3) Long press of this button again, you can start recording and can see to the rotating “-”
mark on the edge display.
4) Pressing this button will end the recording.
- Alarm message
1) If short GND the PIN number equivalent to each output area of the FIRE
CONTACT CLOSURE terminal on the rear side of the unit, previously recorded content
will be broadcast to the relevant output zone.
2) “F” is displayed on the -segment displays of the PM-88 during play. Recorded content
continuously plays played while the contact is connected, and play is terminated if the
contact is released.
If configuring PM-88 as link system, it is recommended to individually record by setting
respective PM-88 to Master Mode.
If the contact operates during recording, only contents before the contact are recorded.
Thus record again after the contact is terminated.
5. WP-8A Connection
Connect to the WP-8A connection terminal on the rear side of PM-88 by using CATEGO-
RY5 (UTP) cable.
- Connect the WP-8A to the PM-88 selecting the area required. A maximum of 300m cable
run allowed.
- Connection of 8 sets of WP-8A to a PM-88 is allowed.
- PM-88 automatically recognizing WP-8A without need of separate ID setting.
- You can select BGM sources or adjust BGM output volume using a WP-8A .
- You may enable with or release the control right of WP-8A using the WALL CTRL button
on the front side on the PM-88. If the right is enabled to WP-8A, the button of PM-88
Turn volume control to set desire volume.
6. Change of Main BGM and adjustment of volume in output area using WP-8A
Activate the WP-8A by pressing the WALL CTRL button on the PM-88.
Check that the BGM number is changed, by operating the BGM Selection switch of WP-8A.
Adjust local output volume using a volume control.