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The SP Lite Model SPL1 Manual
Stop Gradually:
reduce the amount of time each day for the last week of use. if
using more than one SotA unit, it is suggested to stop only one unit at a time.
hoW to Use the ioniC~ColloiDAl silver fUnCtion
hoW to mAke ioniC~ColloiDAl silver
the Sp lite provides a constant current output, which allows for a very simple
procedure for making a high quality ionic~colloidal Silver as room temperature water
can be used.
1. Attach one alligator clip to each Silver Wire.
2. plug the Alligator cord into the Sp lite.
3. pour two cups (16 ounces or 500 ml) of room temperature distilled water into a tall
glass container. do not use a metal or
plastic container.
4. place the Silver Wires in the glass
container immersing at least 70% of the
Silver Wires into the water. Keep them
at least 25 mm or 1 inch from the bottom
of the container and 1 inch between the
5. turn the unit on by rotating the on/
off switch clockwise until it clicks. it is
not necessary to turn up the intensity.
the orAnge light will brighten as
the current increases up to the 1.0 mA
6. Stir occasionally with a non-metal utensil. occasionally, wipe off the grey or black
silver oxide that builds up on the Silver Wires.
7. two cups (16 ounces or 500 ml) for 2 hours will produce a 5 to 8 ppm batch of
ionic~colloidal Silver, depending on the brand of distilled water. the concentration
of silver is measured in parts per million or ppm.
When finished, wipe the Silver Wires with paper towel to remove residue. Buff
lightly when needed to keep them free of sediment. Excessive buffing will wear
away the silver faster.