Restarting the interrupted sequential operation
If a cassette is in the tape streamer, and bins from 1 to 9 are occupied by
cassettes except for one bin (bin n), the following occurs.
“NEXT BIN:m?” (m indicates the bin following n) appears on the LCD
panel. Press the SET key. Then the following procedure is carried out.
The cassette ejected from the tape streamer is put in bin n.
If a cassette is in the tape streamer, the cassette is ejected first, then put
in bin n.
The sequential operation starts from bin m.
• Any key pressed other than the SET key is ignored.
• If you wish to start the operation with a cassette other than that in bin m,
open the door, move the cassette from the tape streamer to bin n, close
the door, and start the sequential operation.
In the other cases
“>ERROR:093B8F” (cassettes are not inserted in the bins normally for
sequential-mode operation) appears on the LCD panel.
• In a sequential mode, if the tape streamer ejects an abnormal cassette, the
next cassette will be inserted normally.
• Be sure to insert a cleaning tape in the bin designated with the software
switch (CSTM).