6.Command Specification
SONY AIT-2 Turbo drive SDX-550V series Ver.1.0
Bits Per MM:
This field indicates the number of bits per millimeter per track as recorded on the medium. The value
in this field shall be rounded up if the fractional value of the actual value is greater than or equal to 0.5. A value of 00h
indicates that the number of bits per millimeter does not apply to this logical unit. Direct of this value between
different suppliers ( possible products ) is discouraged since the definition of bits may vary.
Media Width:
This field indicates the width of the medium supported by this density. This field has units of tenths of
millimeters. The value in this field of equal to 0.5. The Media Width field may vary for a given density depending on
the mounted medium. A value of 00h indicates that the width of the medium does not apply to this logical unit.
This field indicates the number of data tracks supported on medium by this density.
If MEDIA bit of CDB is set to 0, this field shall indicates the approximate capacity of the longest supported
medium assuming recording in this density with one partition. If the Media bit of CDB is set to 0, set to 0m this field
should indicate the approximate capacity of the current medium assuming recording in this density with one partition.
If the approximate capacity of the current medium cannot be determined for the mounted medium, the longest
supported medium capacity shall be used. The data and block size assumes that compression is disabled. The
capacity also assumes that the media is in “good” condition, and that “normal” data and block size are used. This
value is in units of megabytes (10000000 bytes). The logical unit does not guarantee that this space is actually
available in all cases.