16. Appendix H
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-470V series Ver.1.0
16. APPENDIX H: MIC (SCSI Interface
Specification for AIT Multiple Partitioning)
MIC Features
The drive firmware supports the following MIC features:
: Media history data is preserved, even if the cassette is re-initialized. The data is read directly from
MIC - not Tape Area.
Access Speed
: Load & Unload acceleration (from standard 24 sec down to 12 sec). Search Speed
acceleration (225 Mbytes/sec to 450 Mbytes/sec). Improved File Average Access (57 sec to 28 sec).
Random Access User Memory
: About 6Kbytes of user data is available for the User Volume Note in the case
of a 2 partition, 64 kbits AIT-E Turbo AIT-1 Turbo MIC cassette.
Unique Volume Serial Number
Volume Use History
Date and Origin of Manufacturer
Additionally, the MIC firmware supports the following new features, which take effect in the AIT mode only.
(7) Multiple Partitioning beyond 2 partitions (up to 64 in the case of the 64 kbits MIC) is provided for MIC cassettes.
In the AIT mode, all partitions require Optional Device Area (ODA) except for the last, “open-ended” partition.
(8) Multiple load/ unload points at Optional Device Areas.
(9) Append Partition.
(10) Delete Partition.
The Default Mode for Drive
The default mode for SDX-470V is the DDS Emulation mode. In this mode, the drive supports up to 2 partitions. The
top physical partition number is always begins 0, and the bottom physical partition number is 1. The physical partition
number is automatically translated to the logical partition number. The top logical partition is 1, and bottom is 0.
Consequently, SDX-470V can be used with DDS applications without requiring configuration adjustments via special
commands or hardware switches.
Cassette has a Mode
(1) Cassette has its own Mode, of which there are two: (a) DDS mode and (b) AIT mode. The default mode for the
drive is also the DDS mode, therefore a MIC cassette will be initialized as DDS mode cassette. You can initialize
MIC in the AIT mode by using Mode Select Page 31h before Mode Select Page 11h.
(2) The Mode is assigned for the cassette when it is initialized by using Mode Select Page 11h. If the AIT bit is set
to ONE with Mode Select Page 31h before Mode Select Page 11h, then the cassette will be initialized in the AIT
(3) The power up default mode for SDX-470V is the DDS mode. SDX-470V automatically changes its mode to the
same mode as with the cassette; it also automatically returns to the default (DDS) mode after ejecting the AIT
mode cassette.
Re-Using Cassettes
Cassettes are re-initialized with the SCSI Mode Select Page 11h command. The Accumulative System Log in MIC is
saved, even if the cassette is re-initialized. MIC cassettes may be re-initialized in either the DDS mode or the AIT
mode. The drive treats MIC cassettes with unreadable MIC as non-MIC media.