AeroVee 2.1
Rev Z. 01/14/2015
Sonex Aircraft
© 2014 All Rights Reserved
The AeroVee can be fitted with two different factory-devel-
oped oil cooler installations or, in rare circumstances, no oil
cooler at all.
Your engine kit was shipped with the AeroConversion-specific
parts needed for one of the two oil cooler installations detailed
on the following pages. The oil cooler and some additional
items such as hardware and fittings must be sourced by each
builder. Each section begins with a list of items that will be
needed to complete the installation. In many cases these are
common parts which may be sourced locally from automotive-
supply stores or hardware stores.
Additionally, both Wicks and Aircraft Spruce offer AeroVee
Firewall Forward Kits which may contain the parts you need
for the oil cooler installation as well as the fuel system.
impoRTAnT: Because of the wide range of possible in-
stallation variations, the hardware and fittings mentioned
in this manual and included in the 3rd-party hardware kits
may or may not match your specific needs or desires. Each
builder must make their own determination of which parts
are appropriate for their particular installation.