Connec on error screen
Try again or choose different device
This device doesn’t work with the app
Connecting to device
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Wait, or try resetting the device and set it up again
Your device couldn’t connected to the network
Connecting to device
Screen for IOS
Screen for Android
- To check it you can connect from your phone to that Wi-Fi and if you do not connect is that
there is some error of wri ng. If you have already memorized that network in your phone, you
must delete it and reconfigure it to check that you write the text correctly.
Appears when the Wi-Fi se ngs on the device fail
- Check Wi-Fi status and se ngs.
- Check that you have typed the password correctly.
- Check that you have typed in the name of the Wi-Fi network you have at home and to which
Siesta will connect.
- Check that the Wi-Fi network you are trying to connect to is 2.4 GHz. (5GHZ does not work)