User Manual for the Type 8370
WSM 6+ Transponder
Issue A Rev 1
Section 3 – Technical Description
Figure 3-4 Charger/Comms Connections
AC cable option part numbers: UK 272-0345;
US 272-036C; Euro 272-0352
WSM 6+ Charger/Comms
WSM 6+ Charger PSU
WSM 6+
Various components inside the transponder are designed to limit damage due to misconnection of
the external signals. However, some damage to the electronic components may result. Under no
circumstances should mains AC power be applied to the transponder.
3.9.4 Deeply Discharged Battery
Special care must be taken if the battery has been allowed to become deeply discharged. In this
state it is possible for some cells to drop to near-zero voltage or even reverse the voltage on their
terminals. The WSM 6+ should always be switched off when not in use to minimise the chance of
entering this deep discharge state.
Once a cell has become deeply discharged, its capacity is reduced. This has the effect of
unbalancing the pack and therefore reduces the pack capacity. Usually the pack can be recovered
by fully re-charging. If not, then recovery can only be achieved by removing the pack and subjecting
it to several slow (200 mA) charge/discharge cycles. Even then the full capacity may not be
The battery pack must only be removed and replaced by qualified Sonardyne personnel.
Charging a pack which has suffered deep discharge can result in some gas being discharged by the
affected cells. If the pressure relief vent is found to be proud of its normal position, this may be an
indication that one or more cells have gassed and the appropriate action should be taken to recover
the battery pack as described above.