User Manual for the Type 8370
WSM 6+ Transponder
Issue A Rev 1
Section 3 – Technical Description
Section 3 – Technical Description
3.1 Introduction
The Wideband Sub-Mini Plus (WSM 6+) transponder/responder is designed for use with Sonardyne
Wideband Navigation Systems, SIMRAD “HPR” and Sonardyne LUSBL families of range-bearing
acoustic navigation systems. The WSM 6+ can be configured to any interrogation and reply setting,
and its command address can also be changed easily using the supplied PC software, 6G Terminal
The WSM 6+ is a small rugged beacon targeted at USBL applications such as subsea vehicle
tracking or towfish tracking. It has an operating life of at least 3 days at 1 pulse/second (see
11.3 “Specifications
”) when powered from the Nickel Metal Hydride rechargeable battery pack.
Alternatively, the WSM 6+ can be powered by an external DC supply for continuous operation.
An external switch allows disconnection of the power to preserve battery life between deployments.
In addition to these features, all WSM 6+ beacons are fitted with a depth sensor to offer depth-aided
navigation by sending dual, time-coded reply pulses to each interrogation, or report depth as a
telemetry reply.
Dismantling of the WSM 6+ must only be carried out by Sonardyne qualified personnel.
3.2 WSM 6+ Types
The WSM 6+ available types are described below (see
Type 8370-1111 – Omni-directional
Type 8370-4112 – Directional
Type 8370-1211 – Omni-directional, dual release support (voltage)
Type 8370-4212 – Directional, dual release support (voltage)
Type 8370-1411 – Omni-directional, dual release support (contact closure)
Type 8370-4412 – Directional, dual release support (contact closure)
Omni-Directional (8370-1x11) variants (see
) have a maximum operating depth of 1000
metres, but this may be limited by the full scale depth of the pressure sensor. Directional (8370-
) have a maximum operating depth of 4000 metres.
Types 8370-1211 and 4212 also provide two bi-directional voltage outputs via the endcap connector
for applications such as driving a motor release or burnwire. The output can provide up to a
maximum of 1A current, with the ability to configure the output duration ( up to 20 minutes ) and set
a trip or hold current.
Types 8370-1411 and 4412 also provide two contact closure outputs via the endcap connector.