WSM6 Manual
Document Ref: UM-8270-000
Issue: A Rev 0
Section 3
3. Introduction
The Wideband Sub-Mini 6 (WSM6) transponder/responder is designed for use with Sonardyne
Wideband Navigation Systems, SIMRAD “HPR” and Sonardyne LUSBL families of range-bearing
acoustic navigation systems, including the High Frequency Scout system. By means of the supplied
PC software “WSM Terminal”, it may be configured to any interrogation and reply setting, and its
command address can also be changed easily.
Despite its high power output and its small size and weight, it has an operating life (at 1
pulse/second) of up to 20 hours when powered from the Nickel Metal Hydride rechargeable battery
pack. A typical application is for marking a small ROV. Alternatively, the WSM6 can be powered by
an external DC supply for continuous operation as a Transponder or Responder.
In addition to these features, the WSM6 can be fitted with a depth sensor option to report the depth
by sending dual, time-coded reply pulses to each interrogation.
Two types of WSM6 are available. Type 8270 – Directional (
) has a maximum operating
depth rated for 4000m, but this may be limited by the full scale depth of the pressure sensor. Type
8271 – Omni-Directional (
) has an operating depth rated at 1000m.
Figure 3-1 – Type 8270 Directional Wideband Sub-Mini 6G®
Figure 3-2 – Type 8270 Directional Wideband Sub-Mini 6G® Outline Drawing
October 2011