The SETTINGS menu can be opened with the ‘●●●‘ button in the upper
right corner (when the camera image is displayed). You can find many
services and useful functions in the application. We recommend that you
discover them and try them out. These functions include talking to the
visitor, taking photographs or recording video, full-screen mode, selecting
SD or HD quality, turning the PIR motion detector on or off and adjusting
its sensitivity, viewing the alert log with photographs, turning on the night
visibility mode, setting up the energy saving mode, checking the charge
level and status of the battery, alerts about the interruption of the internet
connection, controlling the device with voice commands and in other ways
(Google Assistant, Alexa, Smart Things, IFTTT), automatic operating
profiles, sharing the access permissions with others... The application
is under continuous development; therefore, descriptions, function, and
menus may change over time. Certain third party services incur fees;
please verify if this is the case before using one (e.g. using cloud storage).
When tapping the icon of the door phone, after a few seconds, you can
see a live feed. At the same time, the devices turns on from standby mode
and the LED ring will light up in blue. When you are done viewing the feed,
you can exit using the back button, and the door phone will shortly return
to standby mode. If there is an issue with the internet connection, use
the back button and then try again. In the case of this model, the viewing
restriction of 1 minute, which is typical in the case of similar devices, is
not in effect, allowing you to perform longer surveillance as well. You can
place the wireless camera on furniture as well, while supervising your pets
for example.
The sensitivity of colour cameras is significantly worse under poor light
conditions. In order to circumvent this issue, the device automatically
switches to black and white operation in the interest of better image quality.
At the same time, the infrared light is also activated, if this was enabled in
the ‘night vision’ menu.