EN -Functions / H - Funkciók / SK - Funkcie / RO - Funcţii
/ SRB-MNE - Funkcije / CZ - Funkce /
The device is used in closed environments, to freshen, or cool them. Due to its operation principle it is not suitable to significantly lower
the temperature in premises. It cools the air circulating through it by evaporating cold water, so it provides a fresh comfortable feeling.
The speed of the airflow is adjusted by a fan with 3 speed stages, and its dispersion by rotating control blades that can be switched on/
off. Due to its operation principle, it is not suitable for the efficient cooling of the airspace by several Celsius degrees. The built-in ionizer
emits negative ions into the environment of the device.
• can be controlled with touch buttons and remote control • switchable environmentally friendly air cooling by evaporating water • acces
sory 2 ice packs • switchable ionizer function • 3 fan speed stages • 3 fan modes: normal, natural wind, sleep • switchable air deflection
• switch off timer: 0,5-7,5 hours • water tank capacity: 3 L • easy to roll on wheels, can be braked
After connecting the appliance into the mains, it starts operating in
standby mode
. You can then turn it on by pressing the
button. The appliance then starts operating in the lowest stage. The fan of the appliance can be switched in three stages with the
button: Low, Middle and High. Use the
button to select from normal, natural (Nature) and sleep modes. With the
button you can set the operating time in between 0,5-7,5 hours, in half-hourly increments. The remaining time is the sum of the numbers
indicated by the illuminated LEDs. You can activate the rotating air deflector blades by pressing the
button. With the
you can activate the built-in ionizer function, which is confirmed by the negative ions appearing on the display. If there is a sufficient
amount of water in the tank, you can turn on the evaporator by pressing the
If there is no water in the tank, do not switch on this mode.
The operating appliance can be switched off by pressing the ON/OFF button.
All functions can also be controlled with the included remote control.
After switching it off with the remote control or the touch button, the appliance forgets all the previous settings and sets to standby
mode after a power failure.
power supply: ....................................................230 V~ / 50 Hz / 80 W
remote control power supply: ............................1x3 V (CR2025) button battery
protection class: .................................................II.
vaporizer mat type: ............................................LHP 800i/T
maximum fan air mass volume: .........................F = 5,0 m
fan input power: .................................................P = 80,0 W
operating value: .................................................SV = 0,06 (m
power consumption in standby mode: ...............P
= 0,26 W
fan sound output level: ......................................L
= 60 dB(A)
maximum air speed: ..........................................c = 8,0 m/sec
measurement standard for operating value: ......IEC 60879:1986 (corr. 1992)
length of power cable: .......................................1,35 m
overall dimensions: ............................................33,5 x 80,5 x 23,5 cm
weight: ...............................................................4,9 kg
A készülék zárt légterek frissítésére, hűtésére használható. Hideg víz elpárologtatásával hűti le a rajta keresztül áramló levegőt, így
biztosít kellemes hőérzetet. A levegő sebességét 3 fokozatú ventilátor, eloszlatását ki- és bekapcsolható légterelő lamellák biztosítják.
Működési elvéből következik, hogy nem alkalmas a légtér több Celsius fokkal való hatékony lehűtésére. A beépített ionizátor negatív
ionokat bocsát ki a készülék környezetébe.
• érintőgombokkal és távirányítóval vezérelhető • kapcsolható környezetbarát léghűtés a víz párologtatásával • tartozék 2 db jégakku
val • kapcsolható ionizátor funkció • 3 ventilátor sebességfokozat • 3 ventilátor üzemmód: normál, természetes szél, alvó • kapcsolható
légterelés • kikapcsolás időzítés: 0,5 - 7,5 óra • víztartály mérete: 3 L • kerekeken könnyen gördíthető, befékezhető