KKER9C02-A0-Page 14
Output Function
1. Energy pulse
ER9 provides the function of energy calculation, with 2 energy pluse output AP & RP, and RS485 interface for the transmit of energy data.
The energy pulse of optical couple relay with open collector enables the long distance transmit of active energy AP & reactive energy RP. Remote
PC terminal, PLC, DI On-Off output and collector module are applied to collect the pulse of energy meter to enable the energy cumulation
calculation. Besides, this output mode is also the energy accuracy check way (National metrology regulations: Standard meter pulse tolerance
comparison method)
(1). Electrical characteristic: the output of optical couple relay with open collector , V≤ 48V, Iz≤ 50mA
(2). Pulse constant: 9000imp/kwh. It means the impulse output No. is 9000 when the energy meter counts up to 1KWH.
The piont should be emphasized is that the above 1kwh is for the 2nd coil energy. Supposed that PT and CT is connected , the primary coil energy
that 9000 pulse refer to is equal to 1kwhX voltage transform PT X current transform CT.
2. Remote measure and remote control function: 4 loops S1-S4 are used to remote measure electric ON/OFF status. DO1 & DO2 function can be
used to remote control electric devices. When using Do function, alarm mode should be setted as 0, otherwise DO1 and DO2 will be as AL1, AL2
output. DO1 DO2 function control value is writen via RS485 interface.
3. Communication function ( please refer to the communication protocol)
4. Transform output( please refer to table 1)
5. Alarm function (please refer to table 1)
6. Data record report output , backup the data to SD card or USB . We offer software to make analysis the data on PC.
4. Preview print history curve,data list , circle diagram.
5. Make history data statistics by statistics functions in tools menu.
6. Language menu set Chinese or English display.
7. In history curve display interface , make history curve analysis in section by editing add tag , tag management, curve hidden function.
PC Software Function
1. Used to open and check the data in SD card or USB , files version type is date.EDZ or Date.files series number
2. Make history data analysis by history curve , data list, circle diagram display.
3. Export excel data.