©Vantage Equinox
Somfy: RS-485 SDN 2.0
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Installation Instructions:
Somfy Downloads Page:
IV. Installation Steps
Use the above guides to install the Somfy shade systems. Please make note of the
node ID written on the tag for each shade. These will be used in the Design Center
setup. The limits of each shade must be set up outside of Design Center using the
limit setting tool SDN Motor Configuration Software as pictured to the right. Go to
the Downloads page in the links above to find a link to the software. In order to use
this software, you will need to connect the Somfy system to your computer’s com
port. This is typically done with an adapter such as the one pictured below from
B&B Electronics. Select the “Get Single Motor Address” option. Press “Up Limit”
button to get the shade to go to what it thinks is the full open. Use “Jog Up/Down
(Pulses)” to fine tune. When satisfied select “Adjust Limits” box. Select “Set Up @
Current”. Do the same steps for the full close position setting. You can also assign group addresses to each shade on the system.
Select “Clear Fields” box then enter in a group box the 3 byte hex address you chose. Then select “Set Groups”. Make note of each
the group addresses you chose. These will be used in Design Center setup, as well. If the up and down of the motor are backwards
select “Reverse Rotation” after selecting the “Limits Adjust” box. Connect a wire from the Somfy System bus to the InFusion Project.
Red is T/R+, Black is T/R-, and Green is Ground. You should be ready for Design Center configuration. If you do not have access to the
Group Addresses, you can leave the group address field blank in Design Center and it will send all of the commands individually to
each shade.
Somfy products ARE NOT compatible with the Vantage RS-485 station. If a station is wanted or needed, you will need to use an RS-
232 station with an RS-485 adapter, both are pictured below. We recommend the B&B converter with a null modem attached for
two way communication.
RS-232 Station: