As a protection against discharge two 3 volt battery cells
are separated by insulating paper (1). Remove paper on
commissioning. Take care that the contact sheet (2)
remains between the batteries.
Seven different handsets can be programmed. When an
eighth is tried the drive light signals for 1 second instead
of the usual flashing to indicate that the memory is full.
Briefly press program key (ca 1 second) the drive light will flash (If the light is
permanent the program key was pressed too long. In this case remove plug and re-
connect it. Carry out another test run and register hand set)
Press key on handset for at least 2 seconds. The drive light will go out and then flash
Press key on handset once again. The drive light will go out and come on shortly
afterwards - the registration process is complete.
Lighting diode F in the electronic insert indicates that a signal is being received from the
Replace cover for electronic insert and drive lighting.
On commissioning and then monthly:
Place a suitable object 50 mm high (block of wood) in
the path of the door. Door close movement
Door Drive Start
On reaching the obstacle the door stops, runs up to the
upper mechanical end stop (reference point) and then
back to the upper programmed end stop.
Drive light flashes in 1 sec. intervals. When door drive
re-starts it stops flashing. If not contact your authorised
Adjustment Instructions
SOMFY Garage Door Drive AXORN 65/85
Register hand
transmitter to
Garage Door
Test Recognition of