Your SoloStrength is commercial grade for private and commercial use. These products are built to industrial
grade standard, and greatly exceeds the quality standards for consumer grade products. For use in home, office,
fitness facilities, common area living facilities, clinics and studios. Covered outdoors with limited humidity is
acceptable. Warranties differ for various applications. Using SoloStrength for purposes not expressly outlined
in the user and instructional manuals may void warranty. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved
by SoloStrength could void the user’s authority to operate this device and warranty. Please consult website for
updated information.
. There are no serviceable parts included. Using SoloStrength
for any reason other than expressly displayed may result in serious harm or damage.
This program is fully protected under the laws of copyright and trademark. Any unauthorized duplication,
exhibition, distribution or other use of this program, or any part thereof, without written prior consent is strictly
forbidden by law, including Canadian National and United States Federal law. Violators will be prosecuted
to the maximum extent of the law. Important cautions: Please note the following important cautions before
using this product. Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any exercise program may result
in injury. Consult with your doctor before embarking on this or any other exercise program, or if discomfort
is experienced following activity. To reduce the risk of injury, never force or strain during exercise. If you
experience pain or discomfort during exercise, stop immediately and consult your doctor. Begin slowly during
each of the activities and limit the bounce in the movements. Certain special cautions apply to this or any
other exercise program. For example, women who are menstruating should not practice inverted poses, back
bends, or vigorous standing poses. Pregnant women should not practice twists or any abdominal tightening
poses or activity while laying on their back. Other special cautions may apply to individuals with specific
health issues. For that reason, you should consult your doctor to find out if special restrictions apply to you.
You may find more information by visiting us at
for knowledge base of general health,
parenting and children’s health, disease or injury recovery or sports specific training. The creators, producers,
performers, participants and distributors of this product cannot guarantee that this program is safe and proper
for every individual. For that reason, this program is sold without warranties or guarantees of any kind. The
SoloStrength System is built for home use “to commercial standards” and is covered by manufacturer lifetime
warranty for parts and function. Any liability, loss or damage in connection with any use of this program or the
SoloStrength system, including but not limited to any liability, loss or damage resulting from the performance of
activities demonstrated in this program or shared through our website (www.solostrength.com) or its affiliates,
or the advice and information given here, is expressly disclaimed.
©2007-2017 SoloStrength Lifestyle Products Corp.
All rights reserved. Designed and partially made in North America, manafactured in China for
SoloStrength Lifestyle Products Corp. All rights reserved.
SoloStrength SpeedFit Lifestyle Program ®is a registered trademark.
U.S.A, Canada, and International Patents Pending.
No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form,
by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, without the expressed
written consent of the copyright holder.
Regulatory Information