5, utility will then take over to support the loads. If solar is absent, utility will then
take over to support the load too.
2.2 When utility is down
The behavior is the same as 1.2.
The good utilization of
solar power.
Save electricity bill by
reducing the consumption
of utility
Battery will experience more frequent charge and discharge
cycles and therefore battery’s service life will be shorter.
If both solar power and battery is low, and utility outage
occurs before the battery can fully-charged by utility, the
backup function of the product might be compromised or void.
Setting Solar as Priority
3.1 When utility is normal
As long as solar power is strong enough to support the loads, utility power will not be
consumed even though it’s available. If solar power is not enough, battery will firstly
come up to support the loads, and after battery is low or the setting point in program
5, utility will then take over to support the loads and charge the battery.
3.2 When utility is down
The behavior is the same as 1.2.
The utilization of solar
power is maximized.
Save electricity bill by
reducing the
consumption of utility
Battery will experience most frequent charge and discharge
cycles and therefore battery’s service life will be shorter.
If both solar power and battery is low, and utility outage
occurs before the battery can fully-charged by utility, the
backup function of the product might be compromised or void.
Whether setting utility as priority or setting solar or SbU as priority is subject to
purpose of installing the product. In the event the product is to be installed in areas
where the utility power is unstable and backup function is much important than
energy saving, utility shall be set as priority.
If the product is to be installed in areas with stable utility power and strong
sunlight, and energy saving is more concerned than backup function, solar power
shall be set as priority or SbU.