- 13 -
Connecting via the Serial Port of the PC
Connect between the serial port of the PC and the serial port of the ezTCP using the
serial communication cable provided by Sollae Systems. Then, run a serial
communication program such as Hyper Terminal. Select 19200bps for the serial port, 8
bits for the data bit, 1 bit for the stop bit, and no parity.
Communication Test
Once the preparation for serial communication has been completed, enter the following
in the command prompt of Windows, and establish a TCP connection using Telnet
"telnet 1470"
When TCP connection is successfully established, "STS" LED of the ezTCP is turned on.
If "123" data is transmitted to Telnet window after checking that "STS" LED is on, then
"123" is displayed on Hyper Terminal. If "ABC" data is transmitted to Hyper Terminal
window, then "ABC" data is displayed on Telnet window. It means the communication
test is successful.