If the inverter displays any alarm messages listed in Table 7.1, please
turn off the inverter and wait for 5 minutes before restarting it . If the
alarm persists, please contact Solis after-sales s1(866)438-8408
or email
Alarm Message
Failure description
Under grid voltage
Under grid frequency
Under DC bus voltage
1. Use user define function to adjust the
protection limit if it’s allowed by
electrical company.
1. Check inverter inductor connection.
2. Check driver connection.
12V power supply fault
1. Restart inverter or contact installer.
Table 6.1 Fault message and description
If you have any technical problems with the hybrid system, please contact Solis
after-sales service. We recommend gathering the following information before making
contact in order to get a quicker resolution.
Inverter serial number (SN)
Inverter Firmware Version
Alarm history
DC voltages
Detailed description
of the problem
Supplemental Information
Serial number can be found on the spec label
A six character number that can be found in
the information section of the inverter
interface page - requires Bluetooth connection
Codes found in the Inverter section of the interface
Use a multimeter to measure the voltages
Battery serial number and
Firmware version
Is the system reporting to
Take pictures showing all the
cable connections in the
system (Videos preferred)
Consult the battery product manual to determine
how to collect this information
Yes/No - if yes, what is the site ID?
If this is possible, it will help us to troubleshoot
6. Troubleshooting
Frequency of the occurrence and any other
relevant details about the issue