Levelogger Series User Guide
Page 76 Marine or Brackish Installations
When installing the Levelogger in salt or brackish water or in a liquid having a specific gravity (density) different
than fresh water, the density difference is compensated for by inputting the density of the monitored fluid in
the Datalogger Settings window for the LTC Levelogger Junior and the Levelogger Gold Series (see Section
5.1). Also, see Section 8 for details in compensating the Levelogger 5, Levelogger 5 Junior, Levelogger 5 LTC,
Levelogger Edge, Levelogger Junior Edge, and LTC Levelogger Edge for fluid density differences.
The Levelogger 5, Levelogger 5 LTC, Levelogger Edge and LTC Levelogger Edge can be used for monitoring
in salt or brackish water. However, long term use of the stainless steel body Levelogger 5 Junior, Levelogger
Junior Edge, LTC Levelogger Junior, Levelogger Junior and first generation LTC and LT Leveloggers in
salt or brackish water is not recommended, as the salt or other pollutants may cause pitting which can lead
to perforation of the Levelogger’s casing. To minimize this effect, regularly lift the Levelogger from the liquid;
within seconds a thin protective layer will be formed by oxidation. Again, this precaution applies to the
Levelogger 5 Junior, Levelogger Junior Edge, LTC Levelogger Junior, Levelogger Junior, and first generation
LTC and LT Leveloggers.
If using these dataloggers in a continuous salt/brackish water monitoring scenario, the stainless steel body of
the datalogger can be protected in a manner similar to the freezing protection method described in Section The Levelogger can be placed in balloons and the balloons filled with non-corrosive/ non-toxic fluid.
As pressure changes, the fluid encasing the loggers will transmit the pressure differential to the datalogger’s
pressure transducer. Care must be taken in the selection of the balloon material or filling fluid such that
the balloon material prevents diffusion of salts across the concentration gradient or that the filling fluid is
comprised of polymeric molecules too large to diffuse out of the balloon material. Biofouling Conditions
Biofouling is the unwanted buildup of microorganisms, plants, algae, or organisms such as barnacles and
muscles on a wetted surface. When a Levelogger is deployed for an extended period of time, especially in a
saltwater environment, there is the risk of biofouling. Biofouling on the pressure sensor and conductivity cell
can compromise the accuracy of the measurements.
A Solinst Biofoul Screen can be used to protect the Levelogger from biofouling. The copper-coiled Delrin
screen naturally reduces biofouling, and lengthens the time a Levelogger can be deployed before maintenance
is required. The Biofoul Screen simply slips onto the sensor end of the Levelogger where it is held in place with
its compression fitting. It adds about 19 mm (3/4") to the length of the Levelogger. It allows water to freely
enter the conductivity cell, as well as the pressure transducer inlets. It is replaced as required.
Figure 10-24 Solinst Biofoul Screen for the Levelogger
42 mm
105 mm
Figure 10-23 Biofoul Screen Dimensions