Setting the audio reception
in Studios
In studies of the radio, a computer connected to the
Internet "download" the MX2400's streaming, to
broadcast it.
If working with streaming server:
Just enter the server URL in the player.
When working with direct IP:
In this configuration, the MX2400 console
transmitted directly to the IP address of the radio. In
studios, the streaming is received using a computer
running an audio player that supports incoming
connections, eg the VLC Player which supports
protocols UDP and RTP (real time protocol).
When a direct connection is used, it is necessary that
you contact the network administrator to configure
the router/firewall to allow incoming connections
(originating from the MX2400).
Remember that the destination IP address you enter
when configuring the TCP module in the MX2400
console, is the external fixed IP address of the
studios (assigned by your ISP).
1. The configuration of the router / firewall can
be done from a web browser by entering the
IP address. Usually is The
firewall will ask you the username and
password. A typical default values are
admin/admin or admin/1234, but this may
change. Refer to the user manual of the
2. Once entered, you must go to the section
called NAT or 'Port forwarding'. There simply
add the IP address of the destination
computer in your network (for example and the associated Internet
port. Solidyne recommends using port 5900,
but you can choose another port if 5900 is
busy. If you use another port, you must set in
the codec-mixer MX2400 not only the IP
address but also the port used (other than
3. Finally, check that the soundcard of the
computer is connected to the on-air console.
It is recommended to use professional
soundcards with balanced outputs; or
digitally enter the console by USB link, if the
on-air console has this option.
Next, the connection diagram:
The diagram shows the path of streaming from the console to the receiving computer, for the case of fixed IP connection.
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