While receiving the call, Bluetooth generates a signal ring (a musical
ring) that you hear in the CUE monitor speaker (CUE HOLD output).
Ensure that ON-AIR button is not pressed (to avoid that it go on-air).
Usually the incoming call is not sent directly on the air, but you need
to speak with the caller. The following describes how to work with
Bluetooth phones in various situations.
a) Using a console Solidyne 2300 series
The consoles Solidyne 2300 series have private communication
circuit that operates with any external hybrid connected to the
console. When a calling incomes to the hybrid, even via a mobile
connected via Bluetooth, the operator uses the talk-back
microphone of the console, and the CUE speaker (or headphones)
to talk to who's calling. The Hybrid ON-AIR fader must be in the
CUE position. Then at the end the private conversation, the operator
move the hybrid fader to the HOLD position to maintain signal
retained with air return.
But when there is a call on the air and a second calling enters to the
Bluetooth cell-phone, the talk-back circuit of 2300 console can not
be used because it is disconnected when the first call is on the air
(see manual Solidyne 2300). To answer and talk with the cell
phone, while another line is on the air, proceed as detailed below.
The same procedure applies to the use Bluetooth with conventional
b) Using consoles without external hybrid connection
(or a
Solidyne 2300 with a call on the air) There are two cases:
When the console does not have a dedicated
communication channel (talk-back microphone assigned to
the hybrid) and the Bluetooth cell phone receives a call.
When the talk-back channel is not available due to another
call is on the air (Solidyne 2300 with a call on the air).
When using land lines associated with a telephone set, lets you
resume the call at any time to talk in private, even when other lines
on the air.
The telephone set connects at rear panel, to the output labeled
"Telephone Set".
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Telephonic Hybrids