Using the platform, you can:
View the latest performance of specific components.
Find under-performing components, such as panels, by comparing their
performance to that of other components of the same type.
Pinpoint the location of alerted components using the physical layout.
The monitoring platform enables accessing site information, including up-to-date
information viewed in a physical or logical view:
Logical Layout: Shows a schematic tree-layout of the components in the system,
such as: inverters, strings, panels, meters and sensors, as well as their electrical
connectivity. This view enables you to see which panels are connected in each
string, which strings are connected to each inverter, and so on.
Physical Layout: Provides a bird's eye view of the actual placement of panels in the
site, and allows pinpoint issues to the exact location of each panel on a virtual site
If you do not report the mapping of the installed power optimisers, the monitoring
platform will show the logical layout indicating which power optimisers are connected
to which inverter, but will not show strings or the physical location of power optimisers.
The monitoring platform includes a built-in help system, that guides you
through the monitoring functionality.
For more information, refer to
Creating Logical and Physical Layout using
Installation Information
To display a logical layout, insert the inverter serial number in the new site created in
the monitoring platform. When the communication between the inverter and the
monitoring server is established, the logical layout is displayed.
To display a physical layout, you need to map the locations of the installed power
optimisers. To map the locations, use one of the methods described in the next sections.
Designer recommends inverter and power optimiser selection per site size and enables
report generation. You can create a project in Designer and export the site design with
the string layout to the monitoring platform.
Chapter 5: Activating, Commissioning and Configuring the System
EV Charging Single Phase Inverter MAN-01-00629-1.2