Only the following lamp has been certified for use in
the SS
tanning booth:
You may purchase Solar Storm tanning lamps from your Solar Storm Authorized Dealer.
Only use lamps
on the Sun Bed label.
Lamp Cleaning & Replacement
Depending on the amount of usage, it is recommended that you clean your lamps every six
months. To remove the acrylic, refer to Table of Contents. After all the lamps have been
removed, use a soft cloth and a non-abrasive cleaner to wipe down the aluminum reflectors.
Take care not to scratch them because scratched or damaged reflectors will reduce the tanning
capability of the tanning unit. Gently wipe the entire length of the lamp with a damp cloth to
remove any film buildup. Vacuum reflector area using a soft brush attachment.
Helpful Service Hints
Lamps will not light
Is the tanning booth on using the timer system?
Is the tanning booth hard-wired into the electrical
system properly?
Are the inter-connecting cords firmly in place?
Is your booth on a 30 Amp dedicated circuit
Check the power supply. You may have to reset the
circuit breaker. This is due to not having a 30 Amp
dedicated breaker or having too many devices on
the proper breaker pulling too much amperage
while tanning.
Verify that the voltage coming out of the wall is
safe for this product. Your voltage should not
exceed 250 Volts for 240 Volt models.
The lamp may not be locked into place. You may
need to hand twist back into locking position
The lamp may be burnt out. Removal of the acrylic
may be needed. Refer to the acrylic Removal
section of this manual. Remove a lamp that lights
and place it in the spot where the lamp was out. If
this new lamp doesn’t light in this position the
ballast may need to be replaced. If it does light, the
first lamp may need to be replaced.
Two or three lamps located next to
each other are not lit
A ballast may require replacement, due to a power surge in
your household electrical system. Contact your Solar Storm
Authorized Dealer for replacement assistance.