Title: MAN 266, GTecLink Data loggers User Manual
Rev 1.0.1
Page 22 of 32
Data Storage
The internal node has 4 MB of memory. The 5-channel data logger
connected to five sensors stores up to 73,500 readings.
The 1-channel data logger stores up to 200,000 readings.
Times of data storage for data logger 1 ch and data logger 5 ch are
indicated in Table 3.
Memory mode is a circular buffer.
When memory is full, logging continues by overwriting earliest readings.
In addition t o sensor data, Health data is collected hourly, which
indicates battery voltage, internal temperature of the node and node
Number of
Sampling rate
60 minutes
30 minutes
10 minutes
more than
10 years
more than
20 years
3.5 years
8 years
4 years
Table 3: Times of data storage (without overwriting) for VW-data logger 1 ch
and VW-data logger 5 ch