Title: MAN 266, GTecLink Data loggers User Manual
Rev 1.0.1
Page 20 of 32
Barometric Measurements
The data logger includes a barometer.
It is important to avoid placing the data logger inside any type of
This would affect correct readings by the barometer through the
breather valve.
If the Vibrating Wire sensor requires barometric pressure compensation
(such as piezometers installed i n locations that may be affected b y
changes in barometric pressure), the current pressure readings from
the barometer a r e usually used d i r e c t l y .
The t r a n s f o r m e d data ( compensated by the barometric pressure) is
displayed if you select the option “Polynomial A with compensation” i n
the Engineering Units drop-down menu (see section 2.6).
Should you wish to use atmospheric pressure at sea level as a
measurement (commonly used in meteorology), the barometric readings
must be corrected.
The formula for correcting barometric readings in order to provide
atmospheric pressure at the sea level is:
Po = pressure at sea level in mbars
P= current pressure reading
Altitude = altitude in m.a.s.l.