Title: MAN 266, GTecLink Data loggers User Manual
Rev 1.0.1
Page 17 of 32
By clicking the “ Next” button, GTecLink will run an Online test.
For the r e s u l t s of this test to be immediately displayed on the Android
device, the gateway and the Android device must also be connected to
the Internet.
In order to perform an online test, the gateway serial number and
remote access password must be provided t o the app.
The remote access password is used to protect the gateway from
access via the local network or the Internet.
It can be different than the radio network password even though
it’s set to the same value by default (credentials on the Gateway
Information Sheet).
When doing the Radio signal coverage test, the position of the
Android device is saved (if you gave the app permission to access
the GPS data) and a security token number identifies each test.
If the gateway and/or the Android device are not connected to the
Internet during the test, the online test will fail and you will need to
perform an “Offline test”.
In this mode, however, the results of the test cannot be displayed on
the Android device.
The security token number identifies each test.
Write down the token number along with a description of where and
under what conditions the test was taken.
Check the results of the coverage test on the gateway web interface
(under Network
Signal coverage test map
Download all tests of this
If the Android does not have an active Internet connection, then the test
must be run offline.
Click on “Offline test”. A CSV file with the test results can be downloaded
from the gateway web interface.