ME 3000SP
User manual
Copyright © Shenzhen SOFARSOLAR Co., Ltd
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If your family normally go to work / school on weekdays & stay at home on
weekends, which means the home electricity consumption is much higher on
weekends. Thus, you need to store some cheap electricity on weekends only. This is
possible using our Time-of-use mode.
In summer, if your PV system can produce more electricity than your home
electricity consumption. Then you don’t need to set an off-peak charge period to
charge your battery in summer at all. You can select an effective date (normally
winter) for Time-of-use mode in this case. Outside the effective date, ME 3000SP is
working in Auto Mode.
You can set multiple Time-of-use rules to meet your more complex requirement.
Right now we support 4 rules maximum (rule 0 / 1 / 2 / 3).
Set Timing Mode
3.Set Timing Mode
,and then press
to enter Set Timing mode
interface. The interface of Set Timing Mode is shown as below. You can select a
charge time / power & discharge time / power in this mode.
Note: normally this mode is used to test whether ME 3000SP can charge &
discharge correctly or not. So basically, this mode is used for testing purposes only.
Charge Start
22 h 00 m
Charge End
05 h 00 m
Charge Power
2000 W
DisCharge Start
14 h 00m
DisCharge End
16 h 00m
DisCharge Power 2500 W
Set Passive Mode
Select “4.Set Passive Mode”, and then press “OK”.
For more detailed information, please ask representative of SOFAR to get a copy of
passive mode communication protocol.
Peak Shaving Mode
Select “5.Peak Shaving Mode”, then press “OK” to enter Peak Shaving Mode.
Peak Shaving Mode
Charge Threshold
Discharge Threshold
In this interface,we can set charge and discharge threshold power and the threshold
power range is 100W to 2500W. If PV generation is greater than the sum of load
consumption and the charge threshold power,the inverter will keep the grid power