MASTERYS GP4 60-160 kVA - Ref.: IOMMASGPXX07-EN 05
11.2 Net Vision card
NET VISION is a communication and management inter-
face designed for business networks. The UPS behaves
exactly like a networked peripheral, it can be managed
remotely, and allows the shutdown of network worksta-
NET VISION allows a direct interface between the UPS
and LAN network avoiding dependence on the server
and support SMTP, SNMP, DHCP and many other
protocols. It interacts via the web browser.
11.2.1 EMD
EMD (Environmental Monitoring Device) is a device to be used in conjunction with the NET
VISION interface and provides the following features:
- temperature and humidity measur dry contact inputs,
- alarm thresholds configurable via Web browser,
- notification of environmental alarm via email and SNMP traps.
11.3 ACS card
ACS (Automatic Cross Synchronisation) card is used to receive a synchronisation signal from an external source and
manage it for the UPS where it is installed, and provide a synchronising signal, where requested, to another UPS.
11.4 Modbus TCP card
With the MODBUS TCP card fitted in the options slot,
the UPS can be monitored from remote stations using
the appropriate protocol (MODBUS TCP - IDA).
11.5 BACnet card
With the BACnet card fitted in the options slot, the UPS
can be monitored from remote stations using the appro-
priate protocol (BACnet - IDA).