8. Raise the plat form above the el e va tion
height, (approx. 1.5 metres, de pend ing on
9. At this point, an alarm will sound and fur ther
lift or drive will be dis abled.
10. If there is no alarm and/or the ma chine
con tin ues to al low lift
stop im me di ately!
Lower the plat form fully, re move the ma chine
from ser vice and af fix a Dan ger Tag warn ing
oth ers that the ma chine is not to be used. In
the first in stance con tact the owner who will
then con tact the Snor kel branch or
authorised agent to in spect, re pair and test
the ma chine be fore al low ing it to be placed
back into ser vice.
11. Re peat steps 7-10 for the op po site rear
12. Lower the plat form to the stowed po si tion
El e va tion locked out when tilted test
13. Park the ma chine on ground known to
ex ceed the tilt limit spec i fied on the se rial
14. Raise the plat form above the el e va tion
height, (approx. 1.5 metres, de pend ing on
15. At this point, an alarm will sound and fur ther
lift or drive will be dis abled.
16. If there is no alarm and/or the ma chine
con tin ues to al low lift
stop im me di ately!
Lower the plat form fully, re move the ma chine
from ser vice and af fix a Dan ger Tag warn ing
oth ers that the ma chine is not to be used. In
the first in stance con tact the owner who will
then con tact the Snor kel branch or
authorised agent to in spect, re pair and test
the ma chine be fore al low ing it to be placed
back into ser vice.
17. Lower the plat form to the stowed po si tion
18. If all steps have been fol lowed and the
Sta bi liser/scis sor in ter lock is func tion ing
cor rectly, the ma chine can now be used in
ac cor dance with the op er at ing in struc tions
pro vided in the Op er a tors Manual.
Maintenance Information