Al ways look in the di rec tion of travel. Drive with
care and at speeds com pat i ble with the work-place
con di tions. Use cau tion when driv ing over rough
ground, on slopes, and when turning.
Do not en gage in any form of horse play or stunt
driv ing while op er at ing the EPV.
Do not per mit rid ers on the ma chine any place other
than on the plat form.
Re move all loose ob jects stored in or on the ma -
chine, par tic u larly in the plat form. Re move all ob -
jects which do not be long in or on the machine.
Never steady the plat form by po si tion ing it against
an other plat form.
Do not op er ate an EPV that is dam aged or not func -
tion ing prop erly. Do not use the EPV un til the ma -
c h i n e h a s b e e n r e
p a i r e d b y a q u a l
f i e d
main te nance person.
Do not op er ate a EPV that does not have all its de -
cals and plac ards at tached and leg i ble.
Watch for by stand ers and never al low any one to be
un der, or to reach through, the ma chine and its
equip ment while op er at ing.
Use the rec
mended trans
port de
vice when
load ing the ma chine.
If you en coun ter any sus pected mal func tion of the
ae rial plat form, or any haz ard or po ten tially un safe
con di tion re lat ing to ca pac ity, in tended use, or safe
op er a tion, cease op er a tion im me di ately and seek
as sis tance from management.
Use three points of sup port when get ting on or off
the plat form (two hands and one foot or a sim i lar set
of points). Keep the plat form clean.
Main tain a firm foot ing on the plat form floor. Op er -
ate the con trols slowly and de lib er ately to avoid
jerky and er ratic op er a tion. Al ways stop the con -
trols in neu
tral be
fore go
ing in the op
Do not dis mount while the plat form is in mo tion or
jump off the ma chine.
Do not start un til all per son nel are clearly away
from the ma chine.
Never cover the floor grat ing or oth er wise ob struct
your view be low. Make sure the area be low the
plat form is free of per son nel be fore low er ing.
Tipover and Falling Hazards
Op er ate the EPV only on a firm, flat, level sur face
ca pa ble of with stand ing all load forces im posed by
the EPV in all op er at ing con di tions.
The EPV can tip over if it becomes unstable.
Death or serious injury can result from a
tip-over accident. Do not drive or position
the EPV platform for elevated use near any
drop-off, hole, slope, soft or uneven ground,
or other tip-over hazard.
Do not op er ate the EPV from a po si tion on trucks,
trail ers, rail way cars, float ing ves sels, scaf folds, or
sim i lar equip ment un less the ap pli ca tion is ap -
proved in writ ing by Snorkel.
Care shall be taken to pre vent rope, elec tric cords,
and hoses, etc., from be com ing en tan gled in the
ae rial plat form. If the plat form or el e vat ing as sem -
bly be comes caught, snagged, or oth er wise pre -
vented from nor
mal mo
tion by an ad
struc ture or other ob sta cle such that con trol re ver -
sal does not free the plat form, re move all per son nel
from the plat form be fore at tempts are made to free
the platform using ground controls.
Un der nor mal work ing con di tions it is best not to
trans fer from the plat form to an other struc ture or
vice versa, un less that is the saf est way to do the
job. Each sit u a tion must be judged sep a rately tak -
ing the work en vi ron ment into ac count. The fol low -
ing guidelines apply:
1. Where possible, place the work platform over
a roof or walking structure to do the transfer.
2. Transfer your anchorage from one structure
to another before you step across.
3. Remember, you might be departing the work
platform to a structure where fall arrest is
4. Do not climb over or through the guardrails.
Use the platform entrance.
All plat form oc cu pants MUST wear and use fall re -
straint. At tach fall re straints to the plat form lan yard
an chor points.
Do not ex ceed the un re stricted plat form ca pac ity
as in di cated on the ca pac ity plac ard at the en
trance to the plat form. Do not carry loads from any
point out side of the platform.
Make sure that all pro tec tive guards, cowl ings, and
doors are in place and se cure. Be sure the guard -
rail sys tem, in clud ing the gate, is in place and se -
EPV Series – 1596(A)
Rev A
page 1 - 3
1. Safety
Summary of Contents for EPV Series
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Page 22: 4 2 Rev A EPV Series 1596 A 4 Specifications METRES EPV12 2B Working Envelope...
Page 23: ...EPV Series 1596 A Rev A page 4 3 4 Specifications METRES EPV14 2B Working Envelope...
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