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The DAB receiver has the ability to receive ‘local’ announcements from the network*. The announcement can apply to the following:
Road Traffic flash : Information about problems on the road.
Transport flash : Information concerning Public Transport, such as: schedules of buses, ferries, planes or trains.
News flash: News bulletin.
Area weather flash: Weather bulletin.
Event announcement: Information about commercial or public events.
Special event: Information on unscheduled or previously unforeseen events.
Programme Information: Information about current or future radio broadcasts or programmes.
Sport report: Bulletin of news about sport.
Financial report: Bulletin of news about finance or business.
*Announcements are not available in all DAB regions or areas.
To switch announcements On press
To switch announcements OFF press
Dynamic Label
DL+ button shows music information on the DAB station
DL and DL+
A text transmission accompanying the audio content, typically used to display
scrolling text information such as the title of music playing, news headlines, programme information or advertising message .
DL+ is an advanced version of DL offering more features.
Dynamic Label may not be available in all DAB regions or areas.
Channel and Favourite
Channel displays a list of all of the channels which the unit can receive. You can store these channels as favorites, this will make them
easier to locate.
To store a digital station in favorites
Program the channels - instructions can be found on page 89
Press Channel on the DAB menu screen, a lsit of available channels
will be displayed on the channel screen.
Select a digital station to by pressing the station name (to scroll
the list use the up and down buttons on the right of the screen)
Press ADD
Continue adding stations by selecting the staion name
and pressing ADD.
Channel screen