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4. Is the USB cable supplied with Snooper connected correctly?
Please make sure the USB lead has a secure connection to the PC and is fully plugged in. Ensure the smaller connector is plugged
into the USB socket on the side of the unit. Only plug the USB lead into 8 Series once you see the ‘Menu Screen’ after turning 8
Series ‘ON’..
5. Have you installed 8 Series download software onto your PC?
If you have not installed the download software you will not be able to perform a download to 8 Series. Once the software is
installed there will be a new icon in your system tray, which is located at the bottom right hand side of your desktop near the
system clock. The icon is similar to this
Please check to see if you have the latest version of the software by visiting http://www.snooperneo.co.uk/software.cfm to check
what software version you have, double left click 8 Series icon in your system tray, look at the top of the window that opens and
you will see the version number in brackets.
6. Have you connected the computer to the internet?
The download software has to download a file directly from our server and this can only be done if an internet connection is
present. Therefore make sure that your PC is connected to the internet by either establishing a dial up connection or signing in to
your broadband internet account before you begin to download the database to 8 Series.
7. What version of Internet Explorer / Netscape Navigator are you using?
The software will only operate if you have Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator 6 or above.
To check what version of Internet Explorer you have; open your browser, click on the ‘Help’ menu and select ‘About Internet
Explorer’. This should now display what version you currently have installed. If you have a version older than 6 (e.g. 4.5), open
your browser, click on ‘Tools’ and select ‘Windows Update’. This will take you to the Microsoft website where you can download
the latest version of internet explorer.
To check what version of Netscape Navigator you have: open the browser, click on the ‘Help’ menu and select ‘About Netscape
This section is for supplying possible reasons and solutions to problems you may be experiencing whilst trying to down load the
database to 8 Series. If after completing all the checks in Section A and you are still experiencing difficulty or have received an error
message please read through the following:
1. ERROR MESSAGE – ‘The device has not been enabled yet.’
Please refer to Step 1 in section A for further details.
2. ERROR MESSAGE - ‘Error 521: There was a problem connecting to the Performance Products server…’
If you get an error message as described above this normally means that there is something blocking communication between
the software, most typically a firewall, and the AURA™ server. Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 are supplied with a built in
‘Internet Connection Firewall’. Depending upon which firewall software you have you will need to access the firewall settings and
allow access for the 8 Series update software.
If you do have a Firewall on your computer 8 Series Updater software may appear to stop and it is at this point that your Firewall
software will inform you that 8 Series Updater software is trying to access the internet. Please make sure that you grant/allow/permit
access through the Firewall.
Please read the messages supplied by your Firewall software carefully before choosing your option. If you do not allow the
program access to the internet through the Firewall, the download process will fail.
If no message was prompted by the firewall software uninstall and then re-install the software and perform a download again.