18 • UK
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Lane Guidance.
Snoopers’ advanced lane guidance will assist the driver by clarifying which lane the vehicle should be using.
Snooper has extensive coverage of motorway, complex junctions, some dual carriage way exits and some inner
city junctions. The criteria for lane guidance is that the turning lanes or exit lanes will have more than ONE lane
to be included.
My Speed
The speed limit of nearly every road across Europe can now be clearly displayed on your Snooper at all times.
Choose between speed limits for cars and advisory speed limits for trucks, motor homes and caravans from 3.5t
and over. In addition, My Speed can also be set to alert you if you accidentally exceed the speed limit at any
time. Inappropriate speed is often responsible for many road accidents resulting in serious injuries which some
times can even be fatal. MY-SPEED will ensure that you know what the speed limit is on every road you travel on
so you can drive safely at all times.
The text will show RED when the speed limit is exceeded
If the road speed limit is exceeded the current speed
Indicator will change from BLACK to RED text. Refer
to page 65 for full details and settings.
PLEASE NOTE: These are advisory speed limits ONLY. Always check local road side speed limit signs and abide by local driving
regulations and laws of the country you are driving in. It is the responsibility of the driver of the vehicle to ensure that they are
driving within the posted speed limit at ALL times.
Current speed or time - Press to change the information displayed.
Indicates the current direction of travel
Current road name or road number.
Distance to destination
Displays the Estimated Time of arrival or remaining journey time. Press to change the displayed information.
Current battery status
Current satellite signal strenth
This pop up box will be displayed when
The indicator will count down the distance.
the driver needs to take ‘action’ eg move
to the left in 0.59 miles.
Route timer. Set Route timer to alert you when you need to take a break. Set the maximum driving time
allowed and set the advanced warning time you require before your next break is due. The Route timer clock
will keep you advised of the driving time you have left and will automatically alert you when it’s time to take a
break. Refer to page 71 for details.