Clear (Cr):
Press the UP/DOWN buttons to switch between n/y
(no/yes). Selecting “y”
allow you to reset temporary data such as average speed / maximum speed / trip meter /
elapsed time, which ordinarily cannot be erased by simply powering off the bike. (Do note
that the factory default for this parameter is “
”; you will have to manually clear temporary
data each time if you wish to do so)
System Unit (S7):
Press the UP/DOWN buttons to toggle between Metric/Imperial units
(Factory Default: Imperial).
Brightness (bL1):
Press the UP/DOWN buttons to change the brightness of the backlight,
being the darkest, and 5 being the brightest (Factory default: 3).
Auto Off Time (OFF):
Press the UP/DOWN buttons to change the display setting from 0 to
15. The number represents the time in minutes that may elapse (without operation or input)
before your bike automatically shuts down to conserve power (Factory Default: 5).