-Solis VIP Pump
p. 21
Step delivery allows the infusion of a
specified volume of drug at an initial
rate with linear step increases up to
a plateau rate. Multiple steps down
may also be applied, reducing the
continuous rate as low as the initial
rate. An optional KVO rate may be
delivered at the end of the infusion,
depending on protocol settings.
Home Screen
The delivery mode and status of the
infusion are indicated on the home
screen with messages appearing in
text, a graphic in a shape unique to the
therapy, and with the colors green,
red, and grey.
Examples specific to the step delivery
mode are:
The pump is running with a
programmed delayed start
The pump is stopped and has not
yet reached the plateau
The pump is running at the
plateau rate
The pump is running at continuous
hold after a manual step down
The infusion is complete
Programming Screens
Infusion Volume
The total volume of fluid to be
delivered. The reservoir volume
must be large enough to support
the entire infusion volume.
Therefore, programming the
infusion volume may result in an
automatic increase in the reservoir
volume. Entering a new infusion
volume resets the infusion so that
delivery starts at the beginning
Initial Rate
The initial rate of medication
delivery. Entering a new initial rate
resets the infusion so that delivery
starts at the beginning
Rate Increment
The amount that you want
medication delivery to increase by
for each step. Entering a new rate
increment resets the infusion so
that delivery starts at the beginning
Plateau Rate
The maximum rate at which you
want the medication to be delivered.
The pump begins at the initial rate,
and increases by the rate increment
until the plateau rate is reached.
The pump runs at the plateau rate
until the infusion volume is fully
delivered. Entering a new plateau
rate resets the infusion so that
delivery starts at the beginning