IO-Link Specifications
Outline of IO-Link functions
○Communication function
This product can check the measured value, diagnostic information and switch output status using cyclic
data communication via the IO-Link system.
○Product status monitoring function
This function monitors the product status via the IO-Link.
•Several errors (e.g. internal hardware errors) can be monitored.
•Detects multiple warning conditions (flow rate error, Internal failure, etc.).
○Data storage function
The Data storage function stores the IO-Link device parameter settings to the IO-Link master.
With the IO-Link data storage function, the IO-Link device can be replaced easily without re-setting the
equipment construction or setting parameters
When the device parameter is set and downloaded to the device using the IO-Link setting tool, the
parameter will be uploaded to the data storage in the master by the system command after download
(backup instruction by the communication command).
When the device is replaced with the same type of IO-Link device due to failure, the parameter settings
stored in the master are downloaded automatically, device can be operated with the parameter settings of
the previous device.
Device parameter setting is applicable to 3 types of back-up levels of the master setting ("Inactive",
"back-up/Restore", "Restore").
"Back-up" implies the activation of upload and "restore" implies download.
Communication specifications
IO-Link type
IO-Link version
Communication speed
COM2 (38.4 kbps)
Min. cycle time
5.8 ms
Process data length
Input Data: 12 byte, Output Data: 0 byte
On request data communication
Data storage function
Event function