To select the Initial State of the output sources and
binary outputs press the green button marked Initial
State. The power and binary output states and
values selection screen will appear. You will see that
you may select any value for any magnitude that is
NOT selected to carry out the Ramp. Furthermore,
the state you select for the binary outputs on this
screen will be the state that the function adopts for all
the states between increases. The magnitudes
selected for the Ramp appear in grey and with the
value selected as Initial Value on the previous
configuration screen, which cannot be modified.
To select the Fault State of the binary outputs and
output sources, press the red button marked “Fault
State”. The screen will appear to select values and
both power and binary outputs states. You will see
that you may select any magnitude that is NOT
selected to carry out the Ramp. Furthermore the
state you select for the binary outputs on this screen
will be the state that the function adopts for all the
fault states. The magnitudes selected for the Ramp
appear in grey and with the value selected as value
of the first pulse on the previous configuration
screen, which cannot be modified.
To select the trip signal that will stop the ramp, press
the white button marked “trip” and select the binary inputs you wish to use. It
is important to highlight that a trip will only be considered as valid to calculate
the function steps when this occurs within a Fault state. If it occurs outside (in
the state between faults), this will be displayed on the results screen, but it
will not count in the internal calculation of the function execution.
The Binary Search will thus be configured and ready to be executed immediately.
Observe that the information about the number of steps (increases) and the total
duration of the function (in milliseconds) appears in the lower right-hand corner of the