2017 SMARTfit, Inc. • www.smartfitinc
Game Number: 3: Chase the Single Target
Left, Right, Both Fixed
Middle 3 rows (5 targets)
Game Number: 5: Chase the Single Target
Left, Right, Both Fixed
Lower 2 rows (4 targets)
Game Suite: I
Name: Chase the Single Target -Left, Right Both Random
Game Rules:
Goal is to hit a specific letter-illuminated target as quickly as possible, to the target with the
R (right), L (left) or B (both) hands depending on what is called for.
R, L, B letters on the sequentially lit targets will appear at random. The player needs to
respond with the hand or foot called for whether it is with touch or a piece of equipment
being used.
Game Number: 1:
Chase the Single Target -Left, Right Both Random
All Targets
Game Number: 2: Chase the Single Target -Left, Right Both Random
Lower 4 rows (7 targets)
Game Number: 3: Chase the Single Target -Left, Right Both Random
Middle 3 rows (5 targets)
Game Number: 4: Chase the Single Target -Left, Right Both Random
Lower 2 rows (4 targets)
Game Suite: J
Name: Seek the Color
Game Rules:
The game starts with one pod displaying the color that must be chased.
Once the pod is activated, each pod begins with all targets displaying random colors
including the color identified at the start of the game.
Objective is to knock out the identified colored target as many times as possible in the
designated time.
After a correct hit all pods will immediately refresh with new colors and the player must
seek out the identified color.
Continue play until time runs out.
5 Points are awarded for each correct hit.
Game Number: 1
Seek the Color
All Targets
Game Number: 2: Seek the Color
Lower 4 rows (7 targets)
Game Number: 3: Seek the Color
Middle 3 rows (5 targets)
Game Number: 4: Seek the Color
Upper 3 rows (5 targets)
Game Number: 5: Seek the Color
Lower 2 rows (4 targets)
Game Suite: K
Name: Seek the Smiley Face
Game Rules: