How to Configure the Analog Input Block
The Analog Input block takes the input data from the Transducer block, selected by channel
number, and makes it available to other function blocks at its output. The transducer block provides
the input unit of the Analog Input, and when the unit is changed in the transducer, the PV_SCALE
unit is changed too. Optionally, a filter may be applied in the process value signal, whose time
constant is PV_FTIME. Considering a step change to the input, this is the time in seconds to the PV
reaches 63,2% of the final value. If the PV_FTIME value is zero, the filter is disabled. For more
details, please, see the Function Blocks Specifications.
To configure the Analog Input Block in offline mode, please, go to the main menu and select "Device
Offline Configuration - Analog Input Block. Using this window, the user can configure the block
mode operation, selects the channel, scales and unit for input and output value and the damping.
Figure 3.5 – Simatic PDM – Basic Settings for Analog Input Block.
Selecting the page "Advanced Settings", the user can configure the conditions for alarms and
warnings, as well the fail safe condition. Please, see the next window:
The user can set
the block mode
The user can select PV
(Primary Value), Sec
Value 1 (Secundary
Value 1) or Sec Value 2
(Secundary Value 2)
for the channel.
Scale of input
value. The unit
comes from the
Scales and
unit for the
output value.
The user can
set the PV