IF303 – Operation and Maintenance Instruction Manual
IF303 has 6 function blocks: 3 AIs (Analog Input) and 3 TOTs (Totalizer). It also has the empty
module for applications where not all function blocks are necessary. The following cyclic order of the
blocks should be respected: AI_1, AI_2, AI_3 and TOT_1, TOT_2, TOT_3. Suppose, only the AIs
blocks are necessary, then configure this way: AI_1, AI_2, AI_3, EMPTY_MODULE,
Nevertheless, if you want to work only 1 AI and 1 TOT, configure them this way: AI_1,
Most PROFIBUS configuration tools use two directories where the different manufacturers’ GSD’s
and BITMAPS files are stored. The GSD’s and BITMAPS for Smar devices can be obtained through
the website: (https://www.smar.com), on the ‘download’ link.
The following example shows the necessary steps to integrate the IF303 on a Profibus system.
These steps are valid for the entire 303 line of Smar devices:
Copy the IF303 gsd file to the research directory of the PROFIBUS configuration tool, usually
called GSD;
Copy the IF303 bitmap file to the research directory of the PROFIBUS configuration tool usually
called BMP;
After choosing the master, define the baud rate for the network. Do not forget that couplers may
work with the following baud rate: 45.45 kbits/s (Siemens model), 93.75 kbits/s (P+F model) and
12 Mbits/s (P+F, SK2 model). The IM157 device link (Siemens model) may work up to 12
Add the IF303 and specify its physical bus address;
Choose the cyclic configuration via parameterization using the gsd file that depends on the
application, as detailed previously. For every AI (Analog Input) block, the IF303 provides the
process variable to the master in 5 bytes value, being the first four according to float point data
type and the fifth byte is the status that brings the measure quality of this information.
In the TOT (Totalizer) block, the user can choose the totalization value (Total) and the
integration is made considering the operation mode (Mode_Tot). It allows defining of how the
totalization will be, with the following options: only positive value of the flow, only negative values
of the flow, or both. In this block, the user can reset the totalization and configure the preset
value through the Set_Tot parameter. The reset option is very used in batch processes;
It allows activating the condition of watchdog, which the device goes to a fail safe condition,
when a loss of communication is detected with the master.