Sunny Boy 2000
Technical Description
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SMA Regelsysteme GmbH
6 Plant Monitoring and Diagnosis
6.1 Data Transmission via Powerline
Signal transmission between the Sunny Boy and the Sunny Boy Control or the PC is
done with the grid connection via Powerline. This requires a minimum of installation
(see Fig. 6.1: Example of data transmission via Powerline’). The Sunny Boy must be
equipped with a Powerline modem for data transmission. The PC must be equipped
with the socket modem (SWR-COM). This is already integrated in the Sunny Boy
Control, the specific controller for PV-plants. The PC or the Sunny Boy Control can
be positioned anywhere within the in-house network as they acquire data directly
from the AC circuit.
For trouble-free operation the Sunny Boys and the PC socket modem or the Sunny
Boy Control must be connected to the same phase of the in-house network. If the
communicating partners are connected to different phases the communication must
be established with a so-called phase coupling device. The phase coupling device is
available from SMA and must be installed by qualified personnel. It will make com-
munication within the entire in-house network possible.