4 Product Overview
SMA Solar Technology AG
Operating manual
SMA Speedwire
The product is equipped with SMA Speedwire as standard. SMA Speedwire is a type of
communication based on the Ethernet standard. SMA Speedwire is designed for a data transfer
rate of 100 Mbps and enables optimum communication between Speedwire devices within
On the dashboard of the user interface, information on the product, the plant and its components is
displayed clearly and at a glance using widgets. The dashboard display can vary depending on
the system's functional scope and user rights.
Information, such as yield forecast, system section visualization and inverter comparison, are
available via the extended functions in Sunny Portal.
The product can be retrofit with a Modbus interface. For this, an additional RS232-RS485 adapter
is required (not part of the scope of delivery). The Modbus interface is deactivated by default and
must be configured as needed.
The Modbus interface of the supported SMA products is designed for industrial use – via SCADA
systems, for example – and has the following tasks:
• Remote query of measured values
• Setpoint specifications for system control
For the communication with connected Modbus devices, predefined Modbus profiles and user-
created Modbus profiles can be used. User-created Modbus profiles can be exported and
transferred to another product.
Modbus TCP
The product supports the SMA Modbus profile via the interface of the Modbus client (Modbus TCP)
(see technical information "SMA Modbus® Interface - SMA DATA MANAGER").
SunSpec Modbus
The product supports the standardized SunSpec Modbus profile via the interface of the Modbus
client (Modbus TCP/RTU). The SunSpec Modbus profile from the SunSpec Alliance contains a
comprehensive set of measured values and parameters for Modbus devices in decentralized power
generation systems (e.g. inverters, energy meters, weather stations). The product has data points of
the SunSpec Alliance and therefore conforms with the SunSpec Modbus profile of the underlying
specification version (see www.sunspec.org). Connected Modbus devices compatible with the
SunSpec Modbus profile are automatically integrated into the system with the appropriate Modbus
Plant-wide parameterization
You can use the system parameter assistant to change the parameters of connected devices at the
same time and to compare them. Simply select the desired devices from a list and change the
parameters that are suitable for simultaneous change. The status of the parameter changes is
accessible at all times.